I don't talk about myself much. People call me downright mysterious. So in an effort to share this knowledge of who I am with others, I have decided to simply write it down. So to start this off, here are 10 things about me...
Liz & DJ Engaged!
What amazing weather we’re having here in Grand Rapids! I was privilaged to share a beautiful March day with Liz and DJ yesterday for their engagement photoshoot downtown, what a fun couple! The sun was shining, the weather was beautiful, and it finally felt like spring. I’m so happy to be working with them and looking forward to their upcoming wedding! I just couldn’t wait to post a few of...
A Grand Rapids Winter Wonderland
So winter is here, and let’s face it. It’s COLD outside!! I’ve been trapped indoors for weeks and just couldn’t stand it anymore. So a simple status update on facebook turned into a Grand Rapids Flickr (www.grflickr.com) photowalk with 21 photographers! I love it when that happens… The sun was shining on Sunday when we departed Bigby and a great time was had by all. Thanks to Molly for initiating...
Photographer Gangs of Grand Rapids
I love Grand Rapids. This city is so vibrant and full of life and beauty. Something I share with a group on Flickr.com, the GRflickr group. Every so often, we meet and walk around town, sharing stories, ideas, techniques and just good company. Last night I had the opportunity to share the city with a few of these photographers. The group is so welcoming, from pro photographers to beginners and...
Susan G. Komen, Race for the Cure in Grand Rapids, MI – 2009
What a beautiful day. The skies were cold and dreary, but the day was so warm and full of sunshine. I can’t believe how strong these women are. I only volunteered to take team photos and cover the events of the day for the organization, but to say that I didn’t get anything out of it would be lying. These women are beautiful. These women have strength that I could...
Race for the Cure
Susan G. Komen, Race for the Cure in Grand Rapids, MI. Don't miss this!
Viva Italia
View My Photos of Rome Here!! Well, my trip to Rome has come to an end. I had planned to blog my way through the days, but they were too full of sightseeing and pasta-eating! We stayed at a little B&B named Happy Holidays, located only a few blocks from the Colloseum and Palatine. If you ever go to Rome at this time of the year, my only suggestion is...
Happy Independence Day!!
I hope everyone had a great fourth, I know I did. I made it out to the fireworks armed with my camera, tripod and remote and clicked off about 100 + shots of the beautiful fireworks. So how do you successfully shoot fireworks without creating a dimly lit big ball of blur? Here’s a few tips… 1. Bring a Tripod. In order to shoot fireworks, you’ll want to use a...